- RaiseRight is a fundraising program that lets you buy gift cards through AMP to places you already shop. Each time you purchase a gift card, a portion is deposited into your student’s account.
- More than 750 different gift card options available.
(Home Depot, Marianos, Amazon and more)
- It's easy to manage online or on the mobile app.
How to get started using Scrip?
Review the enrollment instructions and contact Shanna Faris to find out all the details. It is quick and easy! shanna.m.faris@gmail.com
Buy Jewel Gift Cards for your grocery shopping totaling $500.00
You earn back $25.00 and 75% of that goes to your child, which is $18.75 and the rest pays for the Scripts program and then anything left goes to AMP. The $18.75 gets deposited in your child’s AMP account and you can check their account anytime. You now have your cards to pay for your purchases and you paid the same amount you would have anyway but your child got cash back! You will have a list of vendors and the percentage they give back.
If you do this for your monthly groceries, Starbucks, birthday gifts or even home improvements at Home Depot etc. the money adds up so quickly. The money can be used for the yearly trips, private lessons and camps for all the music departments.
2022-2023 First Semester Order Dates:
September 11, 2022
October 2, 2022
November 13, 2022
December 4, 2022